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The Fitzgerald Brand Platform Copy
The Fitzgerald is an apartment community in Downtown Spartanburg, located on Kennedy Street. When the apartment management company came up with the brand, The Fitzgerald, they made the assumption Kennedy Street was named after…well, the Fitzgerald Kennedys. The apartment company’s brand manager got a call one day from the Spartanburg librarian who wanted to clarify something for us: Kennedy Street was actually named after Dr. Lionel Chalmers Kennedy, a well-known and respected physician who used to live and practice medicine in Spartanburg in the 1800s. The brand manager called me and said, “We need a story and voice for this brand. We need to get this right.” It was clear Spartanburg has a lot of pride in its history. We wanted to tell a REAL story — because only REAL stories have any soul. So that’s what I did. A bit of southern twang, a lot of hospitality, and plenty of soul. Meet Fitz.
Here's what I wrote:
We believe in high-class livin’.
(That’s high-class, not highbrow. All are welcome at our supper table.)
We believe in the soul of the South.
(We spell South with a capital “S.”)
We spend a great deal of time outdoors. (Nature is good for the soul.) Even on them hot summer days and sultry summer nights. A person is meant to hear the hum of the cicadas.
We believe life is about the balance between sweet tea and a hand-crafted cocktail.
Above all, we believe there’s just no time for things that have no soul.
We’re proud to be part of Spartanburg’s story.
We’d be proud to be part of yours, too.
There’s something special about Kennedy Street.
Like most of Spartanburg, Kennedy Street is rich in stories. Stories that only locals can tell.
Stories with soul.
For example, one might think Kennedy Street is named after those Kennedys. (We did, at first.) But it’s named after these Kennedys: Dr. Lionel Kennedy and his wife Helen, well-known Spartanburg locals whose donations helped build the city’s first public library in 1885.
After seeing “The Fitz: Coming Soon,” a present-day librarian called to tell us the real story. This is a community that wants to make sure the stories get told right. After all, true stories are the only stories with soul.
We wanted to capture this same soul.
Yes, we are a community of 132 high-class apartments. Our homes are filled with touches of luxury and divine amenities like a pool and clubhouse.
There’s more to the story, though. Our halls ooze ambiance. We’re honoring the memory of Lionel and Helen Kennedy. And our amenities were designed to foster deep connection.
Every aspect of The Fitz was designed meticulously with purpose. We’re not just glitz and glam.
All that sparkles is not gold. The glitz and the glam mean nothing without underlying soul.
And we have no time for things that have no soul.
Capturing the Soul of the South
Be Part of Spartanburg’s Story
High-Class Apartments in Downtown Spartanburg
Live on Spartanburg’s Most Historic Street
Live in the Soul of Spartanburg

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Whether you need a brand voice, manifesto, full website copy, social content, or maybe a tagline for one of those banners planes fly over busy beaches, I’ll help you tell your story in a way that connects you with your audience, and keeps you top of mind and close to heart.